Tuesday, November 27, 2007

You have got to see this.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Listen. You all remember the British version of The Office, correct? Do you remember the seething hatred you felt for boss David Brent, played by Ricky Gervais? Well I didn't think I would be able to stand this man ever again. But just last night, I discovered a little gem that completely changed my mind.

Extras. Have you seen it? It's definitely the funniest piece of British comedy I've seen, of course apart from Monty Python. Watching it, I shook with laughter. Ricky plays a working actor who only gets roles as an extra and each episode has a different celebrity guest, such as Samuel L. Jackson, Kate Winslet, Les Dennis, Patrick Stuart, Orlando Bloom, Daniel Radcliffe, etc. I suggest you get your Neflix on, and get it on now. And here's a tip: if you do get your feisty little hands on this, watch the DVD extras, especially the outtakes. They almost made me piddle.

A note on this picture: Ok here's how it happened. So I wanted a picture of Ricky because not everyone can remember who he is, possibly because of our American-ness and his British-ocity, but the programs I have on this computer are so rudimentary that my greatest editing software is, you guessed it, "Paint." (Intern computers are greeeat.) I was able to crop out the right side but not the left so I decided to write on the left side, which really only resulted in me looking like a Perez knockoff.

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