Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Know what word I hate?


(Even if The New York Times insists on using the blasted word in a headline on their front page.)

I think my hatred of this word hails from when I had to take Mr. Menard's 7th grade "Bits of Yesteryear" antique appreciation class at my Catholic grade school.

Yep, that has to be it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

may god you always.

I just got this auto-reply in my email from someone I don't know. I think we have some spelling and/or error of omission details to ponder here.


I am uable to answer your email at this time but I will get back to you as soon as possible.

May God you always.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hate mail.

An open letter to the jerk who yelled at me at the YWCA yesterday:

Dear jerk face,

I realize that water aerobics is not the most glamorous of sports. And I realize when my class is taking up half the pool, it may generate some animosity from the more "serious" swimmers like you in the other lanes of the pool. But you know what? I'm a serious swimmer too. And I'm probably even faster than you.

Your "the ladder is over there" comment that you said to me as I was crossing through your lane to get to another lane after class ended was totally unfounded. Did you really think I don't know where the ladder is? Here's the thing. You were resting on the side of the pool. You were standing there, slowly putting your hand paddles on (probably because you want to build up muscles because you would care about a think like having big pipes), and you were nowhere near ready to start swimming again. In fact, your goggles weren't even on yet!

When you told me to my face that I was being rude by crossing your lane, I had to disagree. When you sassily explained to me that I "could have hit" you, you were wrong. Why? Because of what I just explained to you...you WEREN'T SWIMMING. Then when you told me I "could have hit" the dude in the next lane, did you realize that he was pushing off the other wall 25 yards away? That's 25 yards amount of time that I had to cross one lane. So no, there is absolutely no way I could have possibly hit anyone.

But I might hit you. On purpose. In the face. With my water bottle!



MPR News: Peddling through the Economy

Please enjoy my latest video.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The new Victory Ship cd

It's so good it made my face fall off.

It's so good I almost had to pull over.

It's so good it hurts to listen to.

It's so good it forces you to smile.

It's so good I almost vom'd in my mouth.

It's so good that it couldn't be better.

It's so good that I should have pledged $30 for it.

It's so good that it's dangerous to listen to.

It's so good that it constantly baffles me.

It's so good it's like a flawless victory.

It's so good it's like a warm chocolate muffin.

It's so good it makes me want to dance.

It's so good every American should have one.

It's so good it's ridic.

It's so good that it was probably born in the wild.

It's so good that good isn't a good enough word for it.

It's so good I think Jesus had a hand in it.

It's so good that it's like crackling fireplace on Christmas morn.

It's so good it's like a hug for your ears.

It's so good I want a tattoo of it.

It's so good it promotes cartwheels.

It's so good people are going to freak.

It's so good p. diddy will ask to cover it.

It's so good I want to close my eyes when I listen to it.

It's so good that you have to be carf.

It's so good that I want to listen to it all day.

It's so good that flowers are going to sprout from the jewel case.

It's so good that it's the new smells like teen spirit.

It's so good it should have its own restaurant.

It's so good people will sing along to every word.

It's so good it's been worth the wait.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Day Videos

My colleague and I spent the entire Election Day (spilling into the next day) making these five videos for our news organization. The highlight for me was when I got to Dot's house (from the third video) and realized my camera bag was not currently housing my camera and had to go back to work to get it. Kind of important to have a camera when you want to shoot footage. I'm just saying.

Please enjoy. Happy election week!