Showing posts with label shakeface. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shakeface. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Birthday shakeface!

It happened. Troy and I threw the birthday party of our wildest dreams. There was cake, there was roller skating, there was dancing, there was karaoke............and there was shakeface.

"Anna! Stop it! What is shakeface?!" you ask. Fantastic question. It's when people shake their faces as hard as they possibly can while someone takes a flash photo of them. Note - I have very attractive friends. This fact is not evidenced by the following photos.

Troy Zimmerman

Andrew Foreman

Alyson Wise

Josh Kuehn

Adam Paolo

James Rone

Erin Sheppard, vampiress

Taj Ruler

Than Tibbetts

Tim Hellendrung

Alli Koch

Manda Larson

Jen Scott

Tom Reed AND Troy Zimmerman. PHOTO BOMB!

Thanks to TB Reed for his mad photo/wrangling/explaining skills, and for being birthday mother to Anna and Troy.