Friday, March 25, 2011

You live on Avenue Q!

Avenue Q opens tonight! Starring TB Reed! I got to see a preview last night and the puppets, the singing, the antics, so great. Also, see the lady top right? She was so good that after the show I gave her an attack hug. Luckily she was nice and didn't even mace me.

Here's a little info about this show. It is an "autobiographical and biographical" coming-of-age parable, addressing and satirizing the issues and anxieties associated with entering adulthood. Its characters lament that as children, they were assured by their parents, and by children's television programs such as Sesame Street, that they were "special" and "could do anything"; but as adults, they have discovered to their surprise and dismay that in the real world their options are not unlimited, and they are no more "special" than anyone else.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top 5 reasons America's Got Talent is a farcical piece of crap.

  • The audience is taught how to boo before the show starts, asked to practice it, and encouraged to standing-ovation boo anytime they don't like someone.
  • Audience members who scream out in the middle of acts or while the judges are talking are not only allowed to do so, but also rewarded with free gifts and camera time.
  • At least every other act, at the celebrity judge audition level, is put in to be a fall-guy for people to laugh at and the judges to berate.
  • Out of 12 people that I saw audition, some of the ones that passed on to the next level are a talking parrot, elderly bottle players, and a woman who sang a mediocre-at-best alto version of Ave Maria.
  • The judges ask contestants the same questions multiple times until the contestant finally answers the way the judge wants them to, then that's the take they keep.
There are more, so many more, but I'm too seething with rage to type.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New presents for your ear holes!

Clearly, I upgraded my Shazam app to unlimited song tagging. Here are two new playlists categorized into Up songs and Down songs. Both so, so good. I promise. Your ears will smile. Enjoy!
Up Songs (for when you need to dance!):

Down Songs (for when you need to take a chill pill):

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Last night I became a Minnesota Woman.

You guys! To celebrate living in Minnesota for almost eight years (minus one year we'll call "bi-coastal internship year") I decided last night that it was high time I conquer the almighty tater tot hot dish. Turns out it's so, so simple. And tasty. LOOK!


Basically, brown some ground beef (or ground turkey), mix in a cream of broc soup and a cream of potato soup, some frozen veggies, some extra corn because corn is scrumptious, and some milk because cows are nice, then line the top with frozen tots, cook for 30 min. on 350, add some grated chee' on top, then pop the sucker back in the oven for 10 minutes. Then nom!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Na na na na na na na na BATGIRLS!

For all of y'alls that didn't get to see us ladies of Performance Level 3 improv class perform today, you can watch us listen to us perform right here. We did an improv form called "The Bat" where all the lights are turned off and we just use our voices. Hippy dippy, no? We like it.