Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top 5 reasons America's Got Talent is a farcical piece of crap.

  • The audience is taught how to boo before the show starts, asked to practice it, and encouraged to standing-ovation boo anytime they don't like someone.
  • Audience members who scream out in the middle of acts or while the judges are talking are not only allowed to do so, but also rewarded with free gifts and camera time.
  • At least every other act, at the celebrity judge audition level, is put in to be a fall-guy for people to laugh at and the judges to berate.
  • Out of 12 people that I saw audition, some of the ones that passed on to the next level are a talking parrot, elderly bottle players, and a woman who sang a mediocre-at-best alto version of Ave Maria.
  • The judges ask contestants the same questions multiple times until the contestant finally answers the way the judge wants them to, then that's the take they keep.
There are more, so many more, but I'm too seething with rage to type.

1 comment:

Jim said...

haha this doesn't surprise me. they had flyers up at my school encouraging kids to audition. it was weird.