Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello, Iowa!

Last week I took the bf and bff to Iowa to visit my sissie and brother-in-law and their babe. She quickly bonded with Steph, adorably sometimes referring to her as "Anna", and she remained skeptical of Tom but had a heart-melting 5 minutes cuddling with him in a tent at the library. Look!

Mae is enthralled with Steph's "Loud! Quiet." book.

Please don't judge Tom's ginger soul patch. It's for a play!
On Sunday morning my sissie made blueberry pancakes. Mae proceeded to eat them whilst smearing them all over her face and the table and anyone that touched her. Observe!

That cute ball of blueberry can keep it on her face as long as she wants.

Also, to entertain us, my brother-in-law taught us how to draw! Or rather, gave us some paints, put on Pandora, and let us do our thing. Here is us painting and some of the more memorable gems of the day.

We paint!
Anna's Flower Power.
Tom's Dancing Cactus
Tom's Farting Pac Man
Steph's Thumbs Climbing a Path to Nowhere
Anna's Bulbous Elmo
Steph's Candy Corn Tree
Steph's Anthropomorphic Thumbs 
Ok have a nice week bye!

1 comment:

Jim said...

Where were you in Iowa? I love that state!