Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Rezzies.

1. Wake up at the same time every workday.
    Back story: I'm notoriously awful at getting up in the morning. And you know how it is, snoozing can be a slippery slope. Before you know it, you have snoozed for an hour! No more, lassies. No more, kindly gents. I'm taking control of my morning, like a snake takes control of its prey. One snooze per day, 9 minutes before when I wake up, which will be 8:30 every day no matter what. Minus weekends.

2. Eat breakfast every day. 
    Back story: I've never done this before! My tum isn't normally too happy when I get up, so my first meal of the day is usually lunch. No more. Breakfast is good for the body. Plus it cures cancer. And gives you long, luxurious hair. And bionic limbs. So...I'm on board.

3. Stop eating after 10 pm. 
    Exemptions and back story: Did this last night for the first time. It was ROUGH. Apparently that's how Oprah lost all of her weight back in the day, but I'm amending it to 10 pm instead of 9 pm since I don't go to bed until about 2 am every night. I will allow myself two exemptions. 1. If I haven't eaten dinner before 10 pm then obviously, the rule goes out the door. 2. I get one bite of whatever Tom is eating in front of me because, c'mon.

4. Go to the Y every single day.
    Exemptions and back story: Unless I'm out of town or extremely ill, I will go to the gym every day. I'm one of those people that has to go every day, or it turns into zero days. Did you know I joined the 100 mile club at the Y? Well, I did. That means I will swim a mile every day unless I need a chlorine break because my skin is falling off or my hair is officially green. Then when I reach 100, I get a t-shirt indicating so. Jealous?

5. Throw myself and Troy the best birthday party known to man.
    There's not much I can say here except that it is our Godly duty to show everyone a good time as we ring in our 26th and 28th years of life. It's like we were born to throw this party. Don't believe me? Observe pump up video #1, more to come as we inch closer to that fateful date.

Ok! Now you know all of my secrets. And it's on paper, signed in my blood, which I just smeared across the computer screen.



Tom said...

My new years resolution is to eat more after 10pm to make up for the food you're not eating.

Anna W. said...

Awww. I love it when you flaunt your svelte physique in my face. *swoon!

Tom said...

It's not my fault! Blame my genetics!!

Anna W. said...

I will not you iron-pumping stomach-crunching arm-curling ruffian!

Tom said...

Ok ok, you win. But do you want your furniture moved around or not?

Anna W. said...

Yes but that's not fun because that's not anywhere in the near future, Tom. I want instant gratification!

Tom said...

No one said you have to move for me to move around your furniture. I can put it back right away.

Anna W. said...

True-ché. Accepted!

Jim said...

Should I still comment on this one? I feel as if I'm too late

Anna W. said...

It's never too late, Jim. Never.