Here is a list of reasons why I love my dentist.
1. The office is conveniently located in my skyway at work. That way I can run full-speed through the halls when I realize I am extremely late.
2. They send me text reminders like 80 times leading up to my appointment which are essential to me actually ever showing up.
3. The staff sends out quarterly newsletters that detail the intricacies of each employee's personal life, as in who is taking yoga classes, who has children starting to drive, who is taking exotic vacations, etc., and they include photos of their staff picnic. Which is adorbs.
4. My dentist plays pranks on me. For example, I once had a cavity and he sat me down and very gravely explained that the only option to save my mouth was to install a grill over the front of my teeth. "We're going to need you to bling it up," he said. The nurse added that it has to be diamond-studded.
5. They just upgraded to this awesome prize pack after every appointment! For freesies!