I was in my improv class on Tuesday and something
incredible happened.
We were doing a montage of two-person scenes and my character was upset with my friend Drew's character for standing on her lawn. He was playing a sort of weird, perhaps drunk hobo-type guy. We're working on integrating more specific detail into our scenes so, for example, if you're saying something like "Can't you remember what kind of car you have?" we would say "Can't you remember that you have a yellow Thunderbird GT?". We're also working on naming people and sticking to those names throughout a scene.
I needed a name for my character's family land as her anger for his being on her lawn was heightening, so I quickly racked my brains and came out with this: "How dare you defile the Torkilson estate!" Now, I'm not sure where that name came from because I don't think I've ever heard it before, but before I could even think about it it just came out of my mouth, and I referenced the name a few more times in the scene then we continued with the montage.
After our montage, we all sat down to go through notes with our teacher. He mentioned that he liked the specifics of the names in our lawn scene, and Drew tells us that it was a really weird scene for him because when he entered the scene, he had an image of his friend Bobby Torkilson in his head, and was loosely modeling his character after him. While he was playing his character, he kept thinking "Bobby Torkilson. Bobby Torkilson." and then when I blurted out that last name, he was stunned.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How? How? How? How? Why? How?!?! How did that happen!?