Darn these blasted glands and their susceptibility to nervousness! Aren't women supposed to be dainty? You are not helping me be dainty, pits! And you turning my shirt into a dampfest is not cutting down on the nervousness!

just can't find the time to write my mind the way I want it to read
As you may know, I am headed to
Were one of my friends not up for a role in the next Twilight movie, there would be three of us going. Alas, she made the final rounds of auditions, and thus I fear we will not have her in our company. Either way though, it is sure to be a good time…
Except for one thing. My shorts tan, still lingering majestically from last summer. Minus the old lady moles, it is not unlike this.
The contrast between the lasting once-burn-now-tan found on my lower legs and the bright white on my upper legs is stark, to say the least. The line between the two is shockingly accurate, as if I were wearing white boxer briefs. I would like to say my shorts tan and I will be showing up to the beaches of
The way the sun will reflect off my legs is sure to blind unsuspecting beach tourists and make children scream in terror as they attempt to cover their eyes. The wind might even stop blowing. The waves might stop waving. The palm trees might stop softly rustling and the coconuts might stop, um, producing milk.
But I just can’t bring myself to go tanning in a tanning bed first. Never have, probably never will.
Zinc oxide, here I come!