It's so good it made my face fall off.
It's so good I almost had to pull over.
It's so good it hurts to listen to.
It's so good it forces you to smile.
It's so good I almost vom'd in my mouth.
It's so good that it couldn't be better.
It's so good that I should have pledged $30 for it.
It's so good that it's dangerous to listen to.
It's so good that it constantly baffles me.
It's so good it's like a flawless victory.
It's so good it's like a warm chocolate muffin.
It's so good it makes me want to dance.
It's so good every American should have one.
It's so good it's ridic.
It's so good that it was probably born in the wild.
It's so good that good isn't a good enough word for it.
It's so good I think Jesus had a hand in it.
It's so good that it's like crackling fireplace on Christmas morn.
It's so good it's like a hug for your ears.
It's so good I want a tattoo of it.
It's so good it promotes cartwheels.
It's so good people are going to freak.
It's so good p. diddy will ask to cover it.
It's so good I want to close my eyes when I listen to it.
It's so good that you have to be carf.
It's so good that I want to listen to it all day.
It's so good that flowers are going to sprout from the jewel case.
It's so good that it's the new smells like teen spirit.
It's so good it should have its own restaurant.
It's so good people will sing along to every word.
It's so good it's been worth the wait.